Mangoes and cute little things!

Mangoes and Watermelon toothpick holderSummer months automatically mean mangoes. Mangoes flood the Indian grocery stores here. You would also find them at Trader Joe’s, Whole Food etc. AB and I try the varieties that you get here and this year we have been especially lucky to have found these excellent ones in one particular Indian store here. The taste of those mangoes takes me straight back to Kolkata when I would relish the ‘Langra’ variety while my entire family would go for ‘Himsagar’ without batting an eyelid.

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Meet Ms Melony

Watermelon Painted Planter

A summer-cooler planter, Melony 🙂

Summer is here. Temperatures are soaring. (I hear on Monday it will be 90 F).The sun seems to be shining right on top of our heads already. But then it IS summer! Summer means no school, more fun and lots of activities. (yes yes, swimming pool, I am coming!) But before I tell you what inspired me to make this design for my first succulent planter, parents take note. Fret not thinking “What am I going to do all of summer?! No school, no camp, kids at home!!” This could be one of the activities you could engage them with. 🙂

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